Featured on TibiaTrade:

PURPOSE: Simple curated reference for vocation specific equipment.
Intended for new players or players trying out new vocations to know when new items become available.

UPDATED: Winter Update 2024.

Type Filter:

Level Filter:

Level Image Name Type
150 Book of Lies Spellbook
150 Gill Coat Armor
150 Gill Gugel Helmet
150 Gill Legs Legs
150 Jungle Rod Rod
150 Make-Do Boots Boots
150 Spellbook of Ancient Arcana Spellbook
180 Brain in a Jar Spellbook
180 Deepling Ceremonial Dagger Rod
180 Dream Shroud Armor
180 Energized Limb Rod
180 Pair of Dreamwalkers Boots
180 Living Armor Armor
180 Shoulder Plate Spellbook
180 Soulful Legs Legs
180 Spirit Guide Spellbook
200 Creamy Grimoire Spellbook
200 Earthmind Raiment Armor
200 Firemind Raiment Armor
200 Frostmind Raiment Armor
200 Thundermind Raiment Armor
200 Gnome Helmet Helmet
200 Gnome Legs Legs
200 Rod of Destruction Rod
220 Cobra Rod Rod
220 Lion Spellbook Spellbook
220 Theurgic Amulet Amulet
230 Bear Skin Armor
230 Deepling Fork Rod
250 Eldritch Hood Helmet
250 Eldritch Rod Rod
250 Midnight Sarong Legs
250 Mutant Bone Boots Boots
250 Naga Rod Rod
250 Stoic Iks Cuirass Armor
250 Stoic Iks Headpiece Helmet
250 Umbral Master Spellbook Spellbook
270 Lion Rod Rod
300 Demonfang Mask Helmet
300 Eldritch Tome Spellbook
300 Falcon Circlet Helmet
300 Falcon Rod Rod
300 Inferniarch Rod Rod
300 Midnight Tunic Armor
300 Mutant Bone Kilt Legs
300 Mystical Dragon Robe Armor
330 Amber Rod Rod
400 Arboreal Crown Helmet
400 Arboreal Ring Ring
400 Arboreal Tome Spellbook
400 Soulhexer Rod
400 Soulshroud Armor
400 Soulstrider Legs
500 Sanguine Galoshes Boots
600 Sanguine Rod Rod
Type Filter:

Level Filter:

Weapon Type:

Level Image Name Type
120 Prismatic Armor Armor
130 Ornate Shield Shield
150 Depth Calcei Boots
150 Jungle Flail Club Weapon
150 Throwing Axe Axe Weapon
180 Ectoplasmic Shield Shield
180 Phantasmal Axe Axe Weapon
185 Ornate Legs Legs
200 Biscuit Barrier Shield
200 Blade of Destruction Sword Weapon
200 Slayer of Destruction Sword Weapon
200 Axe of Destruction Axe Weapon
200 Chopper of Destruction Axe Weapon
200 Mace of Destruction Club Weapon
200 Hammer of Destruction Club Weapon
200 Earthheart Cuirass Armor
200 Fireheart Cuirass Armor
200 Frostheart Cuirass Armor
200 Thunderheart Cuirass Armor
200 Earthheart Hauberk Armor
200 Fireheart Hauberk Armor
200 Frostheart Hauberk Armor
200 Thunderheart Hauberk Armor
200 Earthheart Platemail Armor
200 Fireheart Platemail Armor
200 Frostheart Platemail Armor
200 Thunderheart Platemail Armor
200 Gnome Shield Shield
200 Ornate Chestplate Armor
200 Summerblade Sword Weapon
200 Winterblade Sword Weapon
200 Turtle Amulet Amulet
220 Cobra Axe Axe Weapon
220 Cobra Boots Boots
220 Cobra Club Club Weapon
220 Cobra Sword Sword Weapon
220 Mortal Mace Club Weapon
225 Fabulous Legs Legs
230 Resizer Club Weapon
230 Terra Helmet Helmet
250 Antler-Horn Helmet Helmet
250 Eldritch Cuirass Armor
250 Gnome Sword Sword Weapon
250 Lion Shield Shield
250 Stoic Iks Chestplate Armor
250 Stoic Iks Culet Legs
250 Tagralt Blade Sword Weapon
250 Umbral Masterblade Sword Weapon
250 Umbral Master Axe Axe Weapon
250 Umbral Master Chopper Axe Weapon
250 Umbral Master Hammer Club Weapon
250 Umbral Master Mace Club Weapon
250 Umbral Master Slayer Sword Weapon
270 Cobra Hood Helmet
270 Frostflower Boots Boots
270 Lion Axe Axe Weapon
270 Lion Hammer Club Weapon
270 Lion Longsword Sword Weapon
270 Lion Plate Armor
270 Eldritch Claymore Sword Weapon
270 Eldritch Greataxe Axe Weapon
270 Eldritch Shield Shield
270 Eldritch Warmace Club Weapon
270 Stitched Mutant Hide Legs Legs
300 Dauntless Dragon Scale Armor Armor
300 Falcon Battleaxe Axe Weapon
300 Falcon Coif Helmet
300 Falcon Escutcheon Shield
300 Falcon Greaves Legs
300 Falcon Longsword Sword Weapon
300 Falcon Mace Club Weapon
300 Falcon Plate Armor
300 Inferniarch Battleaxe Axe Weapon
300 Inferniarch Blade Sword Weapon
300 Inferniarch Flail Club Weapon
300 Inferniarch Greataxe Axe Weapon
300 Inferniarch Slayer Sword Weapon
300 Inferniarch Warhammer Club Weapon
300 Maliceforged Helmet Helmet
300 Naga Axe Axe Weapon
300 Naga Club Club Weapon
300 Naga Sword Sword Weapon
330 Amber Axe Axe Weapon
330 Amber Bludgeon Club Weapon
330 Amber Cudgel Club Weapon
330 Amber Greataxe Axe Weapon
330 Amber Sabre Sword Weapon
330 Amber Slayer Sword Weapon
400 Pair of Soulwalkers Boots
400 Soulbastion Shield
400 Soulbiter Axe Weapon
400 Soulcrusher Club Weapon
400 Soulcutter Sword Weapon
400 Souleater Axe Weapon
400 Soulmaimer Club Weapon
400 Soulshredder Sword Weapon
400 Spiritthorn Armor Armor
400 Spiritthorn Helmet Helmet
400 Spiritthorn Ring Ring
500 Sanguine Legs Legs
600 Sanguine Battleaxe Axe Weapon
600 Sanguine Blade Sword Weapon
600 Sanguine Bludgeon Club Weapon
600 Sanguine Cudgel Club Weapon
600 Sanguine Hatchet Axe Weapon
600 Sanguine Razor Sword Weapon
Type Filter:

Level Filter:

Level Image Name Type
120 Rift Bow Bow
120 Prismatic Armor Armor
150 Prismatic Legs Legs
150 Prismatic Boots Boots
150 Bast Legs Legs
150 Depth Lorica Armor
150 Jungle Quiver Quiver
150 Thorn Spitter Crossow
150 Jungle Bow Bow
180 Dark Whispers Helmet
180 Pendulet Amulet
180 Sleep Shawl Amulet
200 Candy-Coated Quiver Quiver
200 Bow of Destruction Bow
200 Crossbow of Destruction Crossbow
200 Earthsoul Tabard Armor
200 Firesoul Tabard Armor
200 Frostsoul Tabard Armor
200 Thundersoul Tabard Armor
200 Gnome Armor Armor
220 Living Vine Bow Bow
220 Cobra Crossbow Crossbow
220 Embrace of Nature Armor
220 Winged Boots Boots
225 Fabulous Legs Legs
230 Ghost Chestplate Armor
230 Lion Spangenhelm Helmet
250 Eldritch Breeches Legs
250 Eldritch Quiver Quiver
250 Umbral Master Bow Bow
250 Umbral Master Crossbow Crossbow
250 Bow of Cataclysm Bow
250 Eldritch Bow Bow
250 Naga Quiver Quiver
250 Stoic Iks Boots Boots
250 Stoic Iks Casque Helmet
270 Feverbloom Boots Boots
270 Lion Longbow Bow
270 Mutated Skin Armor Armor
270 Mutated Skin Legs Legs
300 Falcon Bow Bow
300 Falcon Coif Helmet
300 Falcon Greaves Legs
300 Hellstalker Visor Helmet
300 Naga Crossbow Crossbow
300 Inferniarch Bow Bow
300 Inferniarch Arbalest Crossbow
300 Unerring Dragon Scale Armor Armor
330 Amber Bow Bow
330 Amber Crossbow Crossbow
400 Alicorn Headguard Helmet
400 Alicorn Quiver Quiver
400 Alicorn Ring Ring
400 Soulstalkers Boots
400 Soulbleeder Bow
400 Soulshell Armor
400 Soulpiercer Crossbow
500 Sanguine Greaves Legs
600 Sanguine Bow Bow
600 Sanguine Crossbow Crossbow
Type Filter:

Level Filter:

Level Image Name Type
140 Nightmare Boots Boots
150 Jungle Wand Wand
150 Gill Gugel Helmet
150 Gill Coat Armor
150 Gill Legs Legs
150 Makeshift Boots Boots
150 Spellbook of Ancient Arcana Spellbook
150 Book of Lies Spellbook
180 Spirit Guide Spellbook
180 Shoulder Plate Spellbook
180 Brain in a Jar Spellbook
180 Pair of Dreamwalkers Boots
180 Living Armor Armor
180 Soulful Legs Legs
180 Dream Shroud Armor
180 Energized Limb Wand
180 Deepling Ceremonial Dagger Wand
200 Cocoa Grimoire Spellbook
200 Wand of Destruction Wand
200 Gnome Helmet Helmet
200 Gnome Legs Legs
200 Earthmind Raiment Armor
200 Firemind Raiment Armor
200 Frostmind Raiment Armor
200 Thundermind Raiment Armor
220 Lion Spellbook Spellbook
220 Galea Mortis Helmet
220 Toga Mortis Armor
220 Lion Wand Wand
220 Theurgic_Amulet Amulet
230 Deepling Fork Wand
250 Stoic Iks Faulds Legs
250 Naga Wand Wand
250 Stoic Iks Sandals Boots
250 Umbral Master Spellbook Spellbook
250 Alchemist's Notepad Spellbook
250 Alchemist's Boots Boots
250 Eldritch Wand Wand
250 Eldritch Cowl Helmet
270 Cobra Wand Wand
270 Dawnfire Sherwani Armor
300 Dawnfire Pantaloons Legs
300 Arcane Dragon Robe Armor
300 Eldritch Folio Spellbook
300 Inferniarch Wand Wand
300 Falcon Wand Wand
300 Falcon Circlet Helmet
300 Dreadfire Headpiece Helmet
330 Amber Wand Wand
400 Soultainter Wand
400 Soulmantle Armor
400 Soulshanks Legs
400 Arcanomancer Folio Spellbook
400 Arcanomancer Sigil Ring
400 Arcanomancer Regalia Helmet
500 Sanguine Boots Boots
600 Sanguine Coil Wand