Featured on TibiaTrade:

Hi guys!

Today I made a few changes to 'Hunting Places' and 'Vocation Equipment Reference'.

  • All 'Hunting Places' (Solo Knight, Duo, THs etc.) have been merged into a single page (/hunting/) instead of many sub-pages (/hunting/soloknight/ etc.) for easier navigation
  • Equipment Reference has been updated with a new filter, 'Protection', that allows you to filter gear for your vocation based on the elemental protection it provides
  • Equipment Reference Knight weapons have been updated to include their respective elemental damage type and a corresponding filter has also been added


Hi guys!

Today I published a new tool called 'Vocation Equipment Reference' - link.

It's purpose is to provide a single page interface to browse all items per vocation/item type.

I always found it a bit cumbersome to find all the relevant gear for a particular vocation so I made this mostly for myself - but I hope it also helps some of you!



We have a lot to celebrate! Our YouTube channel has almost reached 10k subscribers, our Discord server has recently crossed the 1000 users mark & TibiaPal will be live for 4 years this month!

To mark these occasions we are running a major giveaway & TWO separate contests! Details below!



  • 8x 250 Tibia Coins (2000 Tibia Coins total)
  • 1x Beaver of Wisdom

  • Easy! You simply need to be a member of the TibiaPal Discord server on the day we hit 10k YouTube subscribers (estimated late April/early May). That's when a random draw from all TibiaPal Discord users will take place and the nine lucky winners will be selected.

CONTEST 1: Tibia AI Image Generation

  • 1st place: golden warrior trophy and Beaver of Wisdom
  • 2nd place: silver warrior trophy and Music Box
  • 3rd place: bronze warrior trophy and choose one taming item out of these: Tin Key, Reins, Giant Shrimp, Foxtail, Golden Can of Oil, Decorative Ribbon, Maxilla Maximus

Contest Details:
  • Use any AI Image Generation Tool (e.g. Bing Image Creator) to create the most interesting/funny/cool Tibia/TibiaPal AI based image
  • Have fun. There are no strict guidelines, we want to see what crazy interesting stuff AI can come up with!
  • Obviously no NSFW/inappropriate/illegal/copyrighted etc. content

CONTEST 2: Design the next Tibia item

  • 1st place: golden trophy of excellence and choice between Beaver of Wisdom, Grey Tome, Yellow Rose
  • 2nd place: silver trophy of excellence and choice between the remaining two items
  • 3rd place: bronze trophy of excellence and remaining item

Contest Details:
  • Design the next Tibia item! Submit a written description of the item (name, weight, stats, slot, special abilities etc., anything relevant), no sprite or art of any kind required
  • The item should be an equipment piece (weapon, armor, legs etc.)
  • The item should more or less fit within the current Tibian power-level (e.g. no 5 imbue slot weapons, 200 attack weapons etc.)
  • The power level is up to you, it can be a level 100 item, or a level 2000 item, as long as its stats feasibly reflect its target level range
  • Other than that - go wild! We want to see some interesting ideas and designs, add existing abilities/buffs to items or feel free to come up with entirely new abilities/buffs - but remember to not make them too overpowered!
  • The item will be judged based on appropriate power level, design, Tibian lore/setting fit, uniqueness etc.
  • There is no strict character/word limit, but if you need to submit an A4 page of text for your item it probably won't win. Treat existing items as an estimate for how long an item description should be
  • Obviously this is for fun only and none of the items will be implemented into the game

  • Post your submissions in the TibiaPal Discord Server, in channels: #ai-contest-submissions or #item-contest-submissions
  • Submissions are open until the day we hit 10k YouTube subscribers (estimated late April/early May), best to submit early to not accidentally miss this milestone
  • In the unlikely event of our YouTube channel suddenly gaining subscribers very quickly and the contests ending too abruptly, we reserve the right to extend the submission period by a few days
  • Only one submission (one AI image, one item) per user per contest (you can submit to both contests)

Happy celebrations! It's thanks to all of you that TibiaPal & our Discord Server & YouTube channel continue growing, thank you!



Thanks so much to everyone for your contest submissions - you made our job of picking the winners extremely hard! :)


  • 1st place: Lizzy Queen (Submissions: 1, 2)
  • 2nd place: Paollah (Submission: 1)
  • 3rd place: Makadamia (Submissions: 1, 2)

Congratulations to all the winners!


Time for a new fansite item contest and a chance to win the 'Beaver of Wisdom'!


The contest will run from 19th of June to 3rd of July, 10am CEST (server save on 3rd of July).
The winners will be announced soon after.


  • 1st place: Beaver of Wisdom (TibiaPal fansite item), golden trophy of excellence
  • 2nd place: Decorative Ribbon, silver trophy of excellence
  • 3rd place: Bear Doll, bronze trophy of excellence


Submit a screenshot (or multiple in case of a few floors) of your in-game house (guildhouses not allowed, only one submission per player/house allowed) decorated in a way to make it as welcoming for the Beaver of Wisdom.
We are looking for a new home that will be the most appropriate for a wise beaver! Up to you to decide what that means!

You can discuss the contest on TibiaPal discord in channel #contests-discussions and submit your screenshots in channel #contest-submissions.
Make sure to also leave your in-game character name and world in case you win!

The submissions will be judged by the fansite admin team.



Today we have taken the decision to remove the 'Boss Timers' functionality.

Since CipSoft implemented Bosstiary some updates ago, TibiaPals 'Boss Timers' usage has basically dropped by over 99%.

The feature was polluting the codebase with no longer used code/assets so we have taken the decision to remove it all in order to improve the loading times etc. of TibiaPal.

Apologies to any of you who may have still been using it. We hope you enjoyed the feature when it was more useful! <3



Two new 'tools' are now available, bosstiary reference/guide (corresponding video explaining it can be found here) and bless calculator - both can be found in the navigiation menu!

Hope you find them useful. As always, feel free to reach out to me on discord in case of any comments or issues.


Ho ho ho!

The winners of the Christmas contest have been decided! Congratulations! Please find the winners below:

  • 1st place: Warlord Nero
  • 2nd place: Lady Shinaa
  • 3rd place: Tynusiiaa

Thanks for all your submissions, they were a great read!

Ho ho ho!

Time for a christmas contest and a chance to win the 'Beaver of Wisdom'!


The contest will run from 23rd of December to 6th of January, 10am CEST (server save on 6th of January).
The winners will be announced soon after.


  • 1st place: Beaver of Wisdom (TibiaPal fansite item), golden warrior trophy
  • 2nd place: 250 Christmas tokens, silver warrior trophy
  • 3rd place: 100 Christmas tokens, bronze warrior trophy


Submit and discuss the contest on TibiaPal discord in channel #christmas-contest-submission and channel #christmas-contest-discussion.
Make sure to also leave your in-game character name and world in case you win!

The submissions will be judged by the fansite admin team.


  • Important! There are multiple christmas santa letter contests running across many fansites. You are only allowed to submit your santa letter to one of them, otherwise you will be disqualified.
  • We are looking for a letter to Tibian Santa Claus where you explain why you were a good (or a bad?) Tibia player over the past year and what presents you would like to get from Santa :)
  • Up-to 300 words (this is not a strict requirement, if you end up with 305 that's fine, but 600 words will disqualify you)
  • We leave the creativity up to you, so pretty much anything goes when it comes to the story (not explicit stuff obviously as this is a video game afterall..) so go wild!
  • One entry per person
  • English language only
  • Text-based submissions only (no graphics, comics etc)



Time for a contest and a chance to win a copy of the 'Beaver of Wisdom'!


The contest will run from 11th of June to 4th of July, 10am CEST (server save on 4th of July).
The winners will be announced no later than 11th of July.


  • 1st place: A copy of beaver of wisdom, golden trophy of excellence
  • 2nd place: Wooden Whistle, Wolf Trophy, silver trophy of excellence
  • 3rd place: 250 non transferable Tibia Coins, mini mummy, bronze trophy of excellence


Discuss the contest on TibiaPal discord in channel #contest-discussion.
Submit your stories via email so they stay private on tibiapalcontact@gmail.com. Make sure to also leave your in-game character name and world in case you win!

The submissions will be judged by the fansite admin team.


  • We are looking for the origin story of the recently designed 'Beaver of Wisdom'
  • Up-to 300 words (this is not a strict requirement, if you end up with 305 that's fine, but 500 words will disqualify you)
  • We leave the creativity up to you, so pretty much anything goes when it comes to the story (not explicit stuff obviously as this is a video game afterall..) so go wild!
  • One entry per person. You can update the entry if you so wish by emailing us before the deadline.
  • English language only.
  • Text-based submissions only (no graphics, comics etc).



Today we went live with a fully re-worked back-end infrastructure for TibiaPal. The site has been re-written in Python/Django and is now being hosted on a different server.

This means that going forward we will be able to work on much interesting tools as we now have access to web scraping and a database. Stay tuned for more information on new features!

For now there should be no impact to users, the only thing you will notice is the re-worked navigation bar on the left, which now has more free space to add new features in the future.

Also, if you would like to inspect the new code, or contribute to the project, TibiaPal.com will always be publicly hosted on GitHub. We welcome your contributions!



The time for TibiaPal to have its own fansite item has come and we need your help, please help us to design this unique item to represent TibiaPal!


The contest will run from 31st of January to 28th of February.
The winners will be announced no later than 7th of March.


  • 1st place: copy of the fansite item, 250 non-transferable Tibia Coins, golden warrior trophy
  • 2nd place: Yellow Rose, silver warrior trophy
  • 3rd place: Shrunken Head Necklace, bronze warrior trophy


Submit your design on TibiaPal discord in channel #fansite-item-submissions.
Make sure to also leave your in-game character name in case you win!

The submissions will be initially judged by the fansite admin team and top 3 choices will subsequently be forwarded to CipSoft for final decision/verification/veto.


  • We would like the fansite item to be an animal doll (hint: we really like the look of demon baby dolls from Demon's Lullaby event!)
  • It can be any animal but extra points for either a beaver (like the TibiaPal logo!) or any animal generally associated with intelligence/learning
  • More extra points if the animal will be wearing glasses and/or using a calculator or any other tools/items that are associated with intelligence/learning
  • As a decoration, we expect it to be eye-catching and look great when on a table, a pedestal or on the floor!


  • size: 32 x 32 pixel
  • it can be animated, but may contain 128 frames at most
  • each frame can have a different exposure time (which is usually at around 100 to 200 ms per frame)
  • if you want pauses within the animation, do not include the same frame multiple times in a row, but instead increase the exposure time for this specific frame
  • it needs to be on a transparent background (1-bit transparency only)
  • if it is animated, you only need to supply an animated GIF of the item
  • otherwise it needs to be saved as a 24bit PNG file

  • it needs to fit into Tibia's setting
  • it should not contain any direct references to a country, e.g. a Brazilian flag
  • it's a deco or fun item only, it will not change any character skills or stats
  • it needs to be a takable item, for example it cannot be solid furniture, but a bedside lamp would be alright

  • The outermost outline (in all places, where the item borders the transparent background) needs to be black. The only exception is when the object has parts that are self-illuminating - like the flames of a torch. In this example, the outline around the flames needs to be a darker shade of the outermost color of the flames, while the rest of the torch has a black outline.
  • The primary light source should generally come from the top left corner.
  • it shouldn't be too different from other Tibia items
  • CipSoft's content team reserves the right to revise the item


Hey everyone,

Today I added level filtering to 'Hunting Places'. Hope it makes using the feature easier, enjoy!


Hello everyone,

Today I added an automatically pre-selected checkbox 'TC over 10500gp' to exercise weapons calculator.
Having this selected will result in output only mentioning the price in gp/kk, while having it unselected will result in output only mentioning the price in Tibia Coins.

This will aid clarity on the real (and most cost-efficient) cost of the exercise weapons needed.


Hello everyone,

The much requested feature, 'profiles' for Boss Timers is now available!

Please note that unfortunately this means in some cases existing/pending timers are lost, sorry about that! This is a one time change and will not happen again.

Please let us know in case of any issues!


Hello everyone,

Another instalment of tournaments is coming on the 25th of October!

This is the second out of the final three tournaments before the mode is retired, so if you're missing some tournament points you should make sure to sign-up!

In RADIANCE, your XP and skills will progress 75x faster than on normal game worlds!

I will be playing on one of the tournament servers, so hope to see you there!

Check out the Tournament page to find details about rules, score set and rewards for RADIANCE. The Tournament itself will run from October 25, 10:00 CEST, to November 1, 10:00 CEST.


Hello everyone,

Tibia tournaments are soon going to be retired! :(

Before then, however, there will be three final tournaments for you to test your skills and try to win some tournament coins!

Next tournament, HONOUR, will be starting on the 24th of June and your XP and skills will progress 100x faster than on normal game worlds!

I will be playing on one of the tournament servers, so hope to see you there!

Check out the Tournament page to find details about rules, score set and rewards for HONOUR. The Tournament itself will run from June 24, 10:00 CEST, to June 28, 10:00 CEST.


Hello everyone,

Today at TibiaPal.com we are publishing a new feature - 'Videos & Guides'!

We will be uploading video guides about hunting spots, quests, updates and more! Make sure to subscribe to the Youtube channel to be notified about all new videos!

Hope you enjoy the guides. If you have any suggestions or requests just let me know!


Hello everyone,

Last week TibiaPal.com became an official Tibia fansite, endorsed by CipSoft! Thank you all for using the site and coming back every day, I couldn't be more happy!
In a few months we will have a contest for a fansite item so stay tuned! :)

In addition, I made some navigational changes to the site.

  1. In order to clean up the navigation bar, some less used tools have been moved into 'Other Tools' section, you can still use them of course under this link Other Tools.
  2. I combined the 'organisational' sorts of pages into one. Previously we had separate pages for About/Contact/Privacy Policy/Archive. They are now all under the 'About' subsite, which can be found here About & Contact.

I hope the changes will make it easier to browse the site! And thanks again everyone for your support, we made it as a fansite!!!!


Hello everyone,

Today I added an 'Exercise Weapons Calculator' to TibiaPal!
You can find it in the sidebar or by going to https://tibiapal.com/exercise

You can use it to find out how much you need to spend/how many exercise weapons you need to get from skill X to skill Y.

I really tried to get it published before the upcoming double XP/skill event, so I hope you make the most of it! :)


Hello everyone,

Today I created a discord channel for the TibiaPal.com community! In the channel you can discuss TibiaPal.com features and request new features that you'd like to see.

I will always be active on the discord so this is also the easiest way to contact me. Hope to see you there!



Hello everyone,

Today I added the much requested 'History' feature to TibiaLootSplit!

From now on your latest 15 results will be saved for future reference. They can be accessed by clicking the 'History' button in the TibiaLootSplit screen :)

Of course this will only work on new results you enter from today on, unfortunately not any of your older results.

Also you may have noticed that a few days ago I re-factored the way to access 'Extra Expenses' and 'Remove Players' screens of TibiaLootSplit. Now they can be pre-selected after copying over the log for a much friendlier User Experience!

If you experience any issues with the new features please let me know.

I hope you find the new improvements useful!

Hello everyone,

Today I added a new feature called 'Bestiary Reference'.

This 'reference' includes the suggested approach to completing the majority of bestiaries in the game (i.e. type of event and location).

The results are sorted based on difficulty and amount of points - I am hoping that this will make it easier and more efficient for players to complete their first few charms.

If you're interested in using this reference, please make sure to read through the 'Background information' first.

Example below:

Bestiary tool output

I hope you find it useful!

Hi everyone,

Today I added my Twitch stream to the sidebar for you to be able to come and chat with me :)

You can ask me whatever you like about Tibia or TibiaPal. New feature ideas are always welcome!

Please bear with me as I get used to streaming, tweaking the audio and stream features as so far I am a total newbie with regards to Twitch. Btw, I plan to stream in English/Polish.

Hope to chat to you on stream!


Hi everyone,

Today a new feature has been added to the website - 'Hunting Places'!

You can now get ideas for where to hunt at all levels for solo hunts as well as Duos/Full TH.

If you have any suggestions for the places please feel free to email me at tibiapalcontact@gmail.com.

Hope you find it useful!


Hi all,

Today a new feature has been added to the website - 'Boss Timers'!

You can now track your boss kill timers using a simple click.

Many thanks to Jeferson Assis who contribued most of the code.



As of today, the imbue calculator form with item values and imbue type will no longer disappear, and will instead be re-usable.

You will no longer need to fully refresh the page to calculate multiple imbuements.



Have you ever wondered how long it takes to reach a certain skill while offline training?

Or maybe you want to find out how long it will take you to reach your target skill while offline training?

Wonder no more - you can now find out by using the 'Offline Calculator' - available here now, or by using the navigation bar on the left!

Example below:

Offline training tool output



Hi all,

As of today a Rashid tracker has been added to the sidebar.

Rashid tool output

Hope you find it useful.


Hi all,

A new feature, 'Exp calculator' is available from today.
You can use it by navigating to 'Exp Calculator' on the left.

You can use it to quickly find out the amount of experience required between two given levels, e.g.:

Exp calculator tool output


Hi all,

Today I made some changes to the way Imbue Calculator results are displayed.
The results are now in a table format which should make them easier to read and digest.


Hi all,

A new feature, 'Leech Calculator' is available from today.
Check it out by using the navigation bar on the left!

Hope you like it!


Hi all,

A new feature for 'TibiaLootSplit' is available from today.

Many of you asked for an option to 'Remove Players' from the loot split.

For example, when doing a boss rotation with friends and one random person, you don't want to split loot with the random person.

Or perhaps someone annoyed you during your hunt and you want to exclude them ;)

In any case, you now have the option to automatically remove players from the log. Simply head on over to 'TibiaLootSplit' and you should see a new feature available at the bottom.
Once you paste your log, you will be presented with a list of players in the log, simply uncheck the players you do not want to share loot with and click 'Calculate!'.



Hi all,

A number of new features available today!

  • 'Exp Share Calculator' to find out the level share range for your character
  • 'Stamina Calculator' to work out the time to fully regenerate your stamina
  • 'Imbue Calculator' enhancement to display the total cost and cost/hour of every imbue


The 'Imbue calculator' feature is now available! Check it out by clicking on 'Imbue Calculator' in the sidebar!

Hope you like it!


Hello and welcome to TibiaPal.com! You are most likely coming here from tibialootsplit.com, in which case please continue using 'TibiaLootSplit' by using the navigation bar on the left.

I decided to re-brand TibiaLootSplit as 'TibiaPal' because I have plenty of exciting ideas for content and tools that I would like to create on top of 'TibiaLootSplit'. The name 'TibiaPal' conveys a lot better what I intend to do with the site :)

I am planning to update some already existing tools on other Tibia fansites, such as the imbue calculator. For now, I created an active house auctions tool, which you can find by clicking 'House Auctions' on the left - this is more useful for worlds with fewer houses, such as Secura or Antica where using the built-in game house search takes a lot of time.

Anyway, I have plenty more ideas so stay tuned!
