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Tibia Bestiary Reference

  1. This reference includes only monsters you could conceivably specifically target for bestiary. Monsters that are regularly hunted at common grounds are not listed here (Asuras, Grimeleeches, Soulwar monsters, Secret Library monsters etc.)
  2. Bestiary difficulty is roughly defined as:
    Easy - under 2h
    Medium - 2h to 5h
    Hard - over 5h
  3. The results are sorted as following:
    - Primary sort by difficulty (Easy -> Medium -> Hard)
    - Secondary sort by points (50 -> 30 -> 25 -> 15 -> 10 -> 5 -> 1)
  4. The difficulty and speed of completion will vary depending on the character's level. For example, a level 1000 will of course complete bestiaries faster than a level 200.
    The difficulty rating is supposed to reflect an 'average' leveled player for the monster/area
  5. The aim of this reference is not to serve as a 'guide', but more as a checklist of monsters to complete in order based on the difficulty of completing each bestiary entry, to get you to 2-3-4 charms as efficiently as possible
  6. The suggested use of this reference is as following (though of course you can use it as you please!):
    - If it's Rapid Respawn, complete all monsters in order from top to bottom in the 'Rapid Respawn' section
    - If it's not Rapid Respawn, complete all monsters in order from top to bottom in the '1x Respawn' section
    - Complete rare/special bestiaries as events become active/available
  7. If you have suggestions for this guide please email me at tibiapalcontact@gmail.com

Monsters in this section are completable on 1x respawn. All of these monsters can be completed quicker on rapid respawn, but rapid is not necessary.

Monster Points Difficulty Suggested Spawn
Raging Fire 50 Easy Jaccus Maxxen's Dungeon
Iks Ahpututu 50 Easy Iksupan
Goblin Leader 30 Easy Beregar
Water Buffalo 30 Easy Venore Southern Swamp
Haunted Treeling 25 Easy Vengoth Surface
Bonebeast 25 Easy Mother of Scarabs Lair -4/-5, Edron Old Fortress -1
Ancient Scarab 25 Easy Mother of Scarabs Lair -4/-5
Toad 15 Easy Laguna Islands, Tainted Soul Cave
Larva 15 Easy Ankrahmun Larva Caves, Mother of Scarabs Lair -1/-2
Scarab 15 Easy Ankrahmun Larva Caves, Mother of Scarabs Lair -4/-5
Blood Crab 15 Easy Laguna Blood Crab Caves
Deepsea Blood Crab 15 Easy Sea Serpent Area Svargrond
Salamander 15 Easy Venore Salamander Cave
Emerald Damselfly 15 Easy Venore Salamander Cave
Stalker 15 Easy Peninsula Tomb
Ghost 15 Easy Peninsula Tomb
Mummy 15 Easy Peninsula Tomb
Marsh Stalker 15 Easy Venore Salamander Cave
Gargoyle 15 Easy Meriana Gargoyle Cave
Tainted Soul 15 Easy Tainted Caves
Hunter 15 Easy Poacher's Cave (Hunter stage)
Poacher 15 Easy Poacher's Cave (Hunter stage)
Boar 15 Easy Poacher's Cave (Wildlife stage)
Gloom Wolf 15 Easy Poacher's Cave (Undead stage)
Ghost Wolf 15 Easy Poacher's Cave (Undead stage)
Wild Warrior 15 Easy Dark Cathedral
Bandit 15 Easy Dark Cathedral
Dark Monk 15 Easy Dark Cathedral
Smuggler 15 Easy Dark Cathedral
Assassin 15 Easy Dark Cathedral
Pirate Marauder 15 Easy Yalahar Pirates
Novice of the Cult 15 Easy Yalahar Cults
Swamp Troll 15 Easy Port Hope Swamp Trolls Cave
Firestarter 15 Easy Shadowthorn
Corym Charlatan 15 Easy Coryms PH, Coryms Venore
Mammoth 15 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Winter Wolf 15 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Kongra 15 Easy Port Hope Ape City
Sibang 15 Easy Port Hope Ape City
Ghoul 15 Easy Yalahar Cemetery, Mount Sternum, Edron Vampire Crypt -1/-2
Skeleton 15 Easy Yalahar Cemetery, Mount Sternum, Edron Vampire Crypt -1/-2
Slime 15 Easy Vengoth Surface
Gnarlhound 15 Easy Zao Gnarlhound Cave
Lizard Templar 15 Easy Chor
Lizard Sentinel 15 Easy Chor
Crocodile 15 Easy Port Hope Crocodile Cave
Rotworm 15 Easy Darashia Rotworms, Liberty Bay Rotworms
Tortoise 15 Easy Laguna Islands Tortoise Caves
Thornback Tortoise 15 Easy Laguna Islands Tortoise Caves
Leaf Golem 15 Easy Dryad Gardens
Terramite 15 Easy Darashia Terramite Cave
Troll 5 Easy Edron Troll Cave
Goblin 5 Easy Goblin Troll Cave
Island Troll 5 Easy Goroma
Fish 5 Easy Fiehonja
Seagull 5 Easy Laguna Islands
Sandcrawler 5 Easy All over Zao Steppe
Deer 5 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Badger 5 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Silver Rabbit 5 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Winter Wolf 5 Easy Svargrond Mammoth Mountain (South west from depot)
Wolf 5 Easy All over Tibia, should be completed naturally
Spider 5 Easy All over Tibia, should be completed naturally
Poison Spider 5 Easy All over Tibia, should be completed naturally
Penguin 5 Easy Svargrond
Snake 5 Easy All over Tibia, Edron Vampire Crypt
Northern Pike 1 Easy Fiehonja
Butterfly (Purple/Blue/Red) 1 Easy All over Tiquanda
Dog 1 Easy Thais
Modified Gnarlhound 1 Easy Stonehome, under Telas's house
Mushroom Sniffer 1 Easy Truffels Garden
Cat 1 Easy Yalahar
Husky 1 Easy Svargrond
Pigeon 1 Easy Venore
Chasm Spawn 50 Medium Warzone 4 (650/h~)
Worker Golem 25 Medium Oramond Catacombs - Golem stage
War Golem 25 Medium Oramond Catacombs - Golem stage
Exotic Bat 25 Medium Exotic Cave Spider Cave
Exotic Cave Spider 25 Medium Exotic Cave Spider Cave
Metal Gargoyle 25 Medium Oramond Surface, Abandoned Sewers
Wilting Leaf Golem 25 Medium Dryad Gardens
Vampire 25 Medium Edron Vampire Crypt, Peninsula Tomb
Vampire Bride 25 Medium Edron Vampire Crypt
Vampire Viscount 25 Medium Edron Vampire Crypt
Weakened Frazzlemaw 25 Medium Feyrist Mini Rosha
Enfeebled Silencer 25 Medium Feyrist Mini Rosha
Lumbering Carnivor 25 Medium Carnivora's Rock
Putrid Mummy 25 Medium Caverna Exanima
Ice Golem 25 Medium Nibelor Cave
Bog Raider 25 Medium Oramond Hydra Cave
Stonerefiner 25 Medium Corym Mines Venore
Sea Serpent 25 Medium Svargrond Sea Serpent Area
Young Sea Serpent 25 Medium Svargrond Sea Serpent Area
Stampor 25 Medium Stampor Cave Muggy Plains
Giant Spider 25 Medium Port Hope Spider Cave
Lizard Zaogun 25 Medium Lower Draken Walls
Lizard Chosen 25 Medium Temple of Equilibrium
Lizard High Guard 25 Medium Lizard City
Lizard Legionnaire 25 Medium Lizard City
Lizard Dragon Priest 25 Medium Lizard City (South mostly)
Eternal Guardian 25 Medium Deeper Banuta
Dragon 25 Medium Yalahar Dragons, Edron Dragons
Pirate Cutthroat 25 Medium Yalahar Pirates
Acolyte of the Cult 25 Medium Yalahar Cults, Goroma Volcano
Adept of the Cult 25 Medium Yalahar Cults, Goroma Volcano
Enlightened of the Cult 25 Medium Yalahar Cults
Dragon Lord 25 Medium Fenrock DLs, POI DLs
Frost Dragon 25 Medium Chyllfroest
Frost Dragon Hatchling 25 Medium Chyllfroest
Quara Predator 25 Medium Sunken Quarter, Calassa
Quara Pincher 25 Medium Sunken Quarter, Calassa
Quara Hydromancer 25 Medium Sunken Quarter, Calassa
Iron Servant Replica 25 Medium Replica Dungeon (Lloyd)
Golden Servant Replica 25 Medium Replica Dungeon (Lloyd)
Diamond Servant Replica 25 Medium Replica Dungeon (Lloyd)
Orc Cultist 25 Medium Edron Orc Cults
Orc Cult Priest 25 Medium Edron Orc Cults
Orc Cult Inquisitor 25 Medium Edron Orc Cults
Orc Cult Fanatic 25 Medium Edron Orc Cults
Orc Cult Minion 25 Medium Edron Orc Cults
Barkless Devotee 25 Medium Ab'Dendriel Cults
Barkless Fanatic 25 Medium Ab'Dendriel Cults
Minotaur Cult Follower 25 Medium Mintwallin Cults
Minotaur Cult Propher 25 Medium Mintwallin Cults
Minotaur Cult Zealot 25 Medium Mintwallin Cults
Mutated Bat 25 Medium Souleater Mountains, Farmine Mutated Bat/Tiger Cave
Souleater 25 Medium Souleater Mountains, Deeper Banuta
Death Blob 25 Medium Souleater Mountains
Glooth Blob 25 Medium Oramond West
Blood Beast 25 Medium Oramond West
Rot Elemental 25 Medium Oramond West
Devourer 25 Medium Oramond West
Glooth Anemone 25 Medium Oramond Wildlife Raid
Pirat Cutthroat 25 Medium The Wreckoning
Pirat Bombardier 25 Medium The Wreckoning
Pirat Scoundrel 25 Medium The Wreckoning
Pirat Mate 25 Medium The Wreckoning
Faun 25 Medium Feyrist Surface
Pooka 25 Medium Feyrist Surface
Swan Maiden 25 Medium Feyrist Surface
Pixie 25 Medium Feyrist Surface
Nymph 25 Medium Feyrist Surface
Boogy 25 Medium Dark Faun Cave
Twisted Pooka 25 Medium Dark Faun Cave
Drillworm 25 Medium Warzone 4
Mutated Human 25 Medium Yalahar Alchemist Quarter
Undead Gladiator 25 Medium Krailos Nightmare Cave
Clomp 25 Medium Krailos Surface
Ogre Brute 25 Medium Krailos Surface
Ogre Savage 25 Medium Krailos Surface
Ogre Shaman 25 Medium Krailos Surface
Orclops Ravager 25 Medium Desecrated Glade
Orclops Doomhauler 25 Medium Desecrated Glade
Crawler 25 Medium Inner Hive
Spidris 25 Medium Inner Hive
Kollos 25 Medium Inner Hive
Spitter 25 Medium Inner Hive
Waspoid 25 Medium Inner Hive
Warlock 25 Medium Demona
Misguided Thief 25 Medium Misguided Camp
Misguided Bully 25 Medium Misguided Camp
Terror Bird 15 Medium Southern Tiquanda Coast
Crypt Shambler 15 Medium Yalahar Cemetery, Mount Sternum, Ramoa -1/-2
Frost Giant 15 Medium Nibelor
Carrion Rotworm 15 Medium Liberty Bay Rotworms
Merlkin 15 Medium Port Hope Ape City
Frost Giantess 15 Medium Nibelor
Panda 15 Medium Southern Tiquanda Coast
Starving Wolf 15 Medium Ab'Dendriel Surroundings
Wisp 5 Medium Feyrist Surface
White Deer 5 Medium Ab'Dendriel Surroundings
Spiky Carnivor 50 Hard Carnivora's Rock
Menancing Carnivor 50 Hard Carnivora's Rock
Fury 50 Hard Oramond Fury Dungeon
Diremaw 50 Hard Warzone 6
Deepworm 50 Hard Warzone 6
Stone Devourer 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Weeper 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Orewalker 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Lava Golem 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Magma Crawler 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Infected Weeper 50 Hard Warzone 1-3
Seacrest Serpent 50 Hard Oramond Seacrest Grounds
Infernalist 50 Hard Fury Dungeon
Lizard Noble 50 Hard Razzachai
Dragonling 25 Hard Fury Dungeon
High Voltage Elemental 25 Hard Oramond Glooth Underground Raid, Warzone 5
Walker 25 Hard Underground Glooth Factory, Rathleton Sewers
Redeemed Soul 15 Hard Tainted Caves
Filth Toad 15 Hard Lake Equivocolao
Nomad (Blue) 15 Hard Ankrahmun Desert
Nomad (Female) 15 Hard Ankrahmun Desert

Monsters in this section are best completed on rapid respawn. It will take a significantly longer amount of time to complete these monsters outside of rapid respawn.

Monster Points Difficulty Suggested Spawn
Deepling Scout 25 Easy Fiehonja (way to Deathlings)
Deepling Spellsinger 25 Easy Fiehonja Library
Crystalcrusher 25 Easy Crystal Grounds
Carniphila 25 Easy Tiquanda Laboratory
Mutated Rat 25 Easy Yalahar Arena Quarter
Shaburak Demon 25 Easy Demonwar Crypt
Askarak Demon 25 Easy Demonwar Crypt
Fire Elemental 25 Easy Goroma Volcano, DHQ
Zombie 25 Easy Treasure Island
Furious Fire Elemental 25 Easy Hellgate
Clay Guardian 25 Easy Medusa Tower
Omnivora 25 Easy Medusa Tower
Killer Caiman 25 Easy Muggy Plains Killer Caimans
Demon Skeleton 25 Easy Ghostland Banshee Quest Area, Vengoth Surface
Brimstone Bugs 25 Easy Northern Zao Plantations
Enraged Crystal Golem 25 Easy Golem Workshop
Deepling Worker 15 Easy Fiehonja
Azure Frog 15 Easy Laguna Islands
Coral Frog 15 Easy Laguna Islands
Crimson Frog 15 Easy Laguna Islands
Orchid Frog 15 Easy Laguna Islands
Fire Devil 15 Easy Spike Sword Quest
Swampling 15 Easy Tiquanda Laboratory, Venore Salamander Cave
Spit Nettle 15 Easy Tiquanda Laboratory
Grave Robber 15 Easy Horestis Tomb (World Change inactive)
Insect Swarm 15 Easy Horestis Tomb (World Change inactive)
Crypt Defiler 15 Easy Horestis Tomb (World Change inactive)
Squidgy Slime 15 Easy Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Gozzler 15 Easy Farmine Mines
Cyclops 15 Easy Venore Cyclops, Mistrock
Valkyrie 15 Easy Amazon Camp
Nomad 15 Easy Nomad Cave
Barbarian Skullhunter 15 Easy Barbarian Camp
Barbarian Headhunter 15 Easy Barbarian Camp
Barbarian Brutetamer 15 Easy Barbarian Camp
Gladiator 15 Easy Yalahar Arena Quarter
Gang Member 15 Easy Yalahar Trade Quarter
Crazed Beggar 15 Easy Yalahar Trade Quarter, Yalahar Factory Quarter
Monk 15 Easy Edron -6 (rooms on the way to Anni)
Witch 15 Easy Dark Cathedral -2
Amazon 15 Easy Amazon Camp
Stone Golem 15 Easy Goroma Volcano
Damaged Worker Golem 15 Easy Yalahar Factory Surface
Elf 15 Easy Yalahar Elves
Elf Scout 15 Easy Yalahar Elves
Elf Arcanist 15 Easy Yalahar Elves
Minotaur Mage 15 Easy Dark Pyramid Darashia
Scorpion 15 Easy Drefia Entrance
Dworc Voodoomaster 15 Easy Port Hope Dworcs
Dworc Fleshhunter 15 Easy Port Hope Dworcs
Dworc Venomsniper 15 Easy Port Hope Dworcs
Chakoya Tribewarden 15 Easy Nibelor Chakoyas
Chakoya Toolshaper 15 Easy Nibelor Chakoyas
Chakoya Windcaller 15 Easy Nibelor Chakoyas
Skeleton Warrior 15 Easy Carlin Ghostland, Edron Vampire Crypt -1/-2
Pirate Skeleton 15 Easy Treasure Island, Nargor
Goblin Assassin 15 Easy Edron Goblin Cave, Femor Hills
Goblin Scavenger 15 Easy Edron Goblin Cave, Femor Hills
Furious Troll 15 Easy Beregar
Troll Legionnaire 15 Easy Beregar
Dwarf 15 Easy Cormaya Dwarves
Dwarf Guard 15 Easy Dwarven Axe Quest (Circle Room)
Dwarf Soldier 15 Easy Dwarven Axe Quest (Circle Room)
Minotaur Guard 15 Easy Dark Pyramid Darashia
Minotaur Archer 15 Easy Dark Pyramid Darashia
Minotaur 15 Easy Dark Pyramid Darashia
Bear 15 Easy Bear Cave South of Thais
Bat 15 Easy Bat Cave South of Thais
Orc 15 Easy Edron Orcs
Orc Shaman 15 Easy Orc Fortress Tower
War Wolf 15 Easy Orc Fortress Tower
Lion 15 Easy Jakundaf Desert, Darama Desert
Orc Spearman 15 Easy Orc Fortress Tower, Edron Orcs
Orc Warrior 15 Easy Orc Fortress Surface
Bonelord 15 Easy Fenrock Bonelord Cave, Oasis Tomb -6, Liberty Bay Bonelords
Slug 15 Easy Slug Cave Venore
Gazer 15 Easy Liberty Bay Bonelords
Rorc 15 Easy Orc Fortress Surroundings
Calamary 15 Easy Fiehonja Stage 3 End of Manta Ray Area
Hyaena 15 Easy Green Djinn Ankrahmun Entrance, Oasis Tomb
Mercury Blob 15 Easy Yalahar Alchemist Quarter
Cobra 15 Easy Talahu Surface (Hydra Island)
Troll Champion 15 Easy Edron Troll Cave
Skunk 5 Easy South Thais
Cave Parrot 5 Easy Desecrated Glade
Chicken 5 Easy Greenshore, Northport
Wasp 5 Easy Ab'Dendriel Wasp Cave, Darashia Wasp Tower
Bug 5 Easy Port Hope Swamp Troll Cave, Venore Bug Cave
Dromedary 5 Easy West of Darashia
Pig 5 Easy Orc Fortress East, Mintwallin Minotaur Cults
Rabbit 5 Easy Outlaw Camp Rabbit Cave
Fox 5 Easy Edron Goblin/Troll Peninsula
Rat 5 Easy Thais Sewers
Cave Rat 5 Easy Thais Sewers
Frost Troll 5 Easy Folda Surface
Squirrel 5 Easy Yalahar
Green Frog 5 Easy Meriana
Crustacea Gigantica 50 Medium Oramond Seacrest Grounds
Wyvern 25 Medium Mushroom Gardens
Wiggler 25 Medium Mushroom Gardens
Banshee 25 Medium Ghostland Banshee Quest Area
Lich 25 Medium Lich Hell, Ferumbras Tower -1
Water Elemental 25 Medium Water Elemental Cave
Arctic Faun 25 Medium Arctic Faun's Island
Corym Skirmisher 25 Medium Coryms PH
Corym Vanguard 25 Medium Coryms PH
Wailing Widow 25 Medium Krailos Spider Lair
Lancer Beetle 25 Medium Northern Zao Plantations
Green Djinn 25 Medium Yalahar Djinn Area (depending on faction), Oasis Tomb -8
Blue Djinn 25 Medium Yalahar Djinn Area (depending on faction), Forgoten Tomb Edron
Elder Bonelord 25 Medium Liberty Bay Bonelords
Braindeath 25 Medium Liberty Bay Bonelords
Crystal Spider 25 Medium Nibelor Cave
Dwarf Henchman 25 Medium 7th mission of the Secret Service Quest
Dwarf Geomancer 25 Medium Dwarven Axe Quest (Circle Room), Beregar
Barbarian Bloodwalker 25 Medium Barbarian Camp
Ice Witch 25 Medium Barbarian Camp, Yalahar Magician Quarter
Orc Marauder 25 Medium Zao Orc Land
Ghoulish Hyaena 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Elder Mummy 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Death Priest 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Sacred Spider 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Tomb Servant 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Grave Guard 25 Medium Horestis Tomb (World Change active)
Cyclops Drone 25 Medium Mistrock
Cyclops Smith 25 Medium Mistrock
Necromancer 25 Medium Drefia
Shadow Pupil 25 Medium Drefia
Blood Priest 25 Medium Drefia
Blood Hand 25 Medium Drefia
Forest Fury 25 Medium Dryad Gardens
Elder Forest Fury 25 Medium Dryad Gardens
Pirate Bucaneer 25 Medium Nargor Quest
Deepling Warrior 25 Medium Fiehonja Library
Pirate Corsair 25 Medium Nargor Quest, Krailos Pirate Raid
Massive Water Elemental 25 Medium INQ Quaras
Massive Fire Elemental 25 Medium Hot Spot
Massive Earth Elemental 25 Medium Mushroom Gardens
Earth Elemental 25 Medium Crystal Grounds
Massive Energy Elemental 25 Medium North west Ankrahmun levitate area
Energy Elemental 25 Medium North west Ankrahmun levitate area, Energy Elemental Lair
Lizard Snakecharmer 25 Medium Chor
Roaring Lion 25 Medium Lion's Rock
Noble Lion 25 Medium Lion's Rock
Mooh'tah Warrior 25 Medium Oramond East Minos
Execowtioner 25 Medium Oramond East Minos
Minotaur Hunter 25 Medium Oramond East Minos
Worm Priestess 25 Medium Oramond East Minos
Moohtant 25 Medium Oramond East Minos
Dragon Lord Hatching 25 Medium Fenrock
Dragon Hatching 25 Medium Fenrock, Various Dragon Caves
Deepling Guard 25 Medium Fiehonja Library
Shark 25 Medium Krailos Shark Cave
Infernal Frog 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Berserker Chicken 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Demon Parrot 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Evil Sheep 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Hot Dog 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Doom Deer 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Killer Rabbit 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Evil Sheep Lord 25 Medium Isle of Evil
Acid Blob 25 Medium Yalahar Alchemist Quarter
Quara Mantassin 25 Medium Frozen Trench, Sunken Quarter
Quara Constrictor 25 Medium Frozen Trench
Quara Constrictor Scout 25 Medium Oramond West Raid
Quara Predator Scout 25 Medium Oramond West Raid
Quara Hydromancer Scout 25 Medium Oramond West Raid
Quara Pincher Scout 25 Medium Oramond West Raid
Sandstone Scorpion 25 Medium Horestis Tomb
Goldhanded Cultist 25 Medium Museum of Tibian Arts
Goldhanded Cultist Bride 25 Medium Museum of Tibian Arts
Orc Berserker 25 Medium Orc Fortress Tower
Orc Warlord 25 Medium Orc Fortress Quest
Orc Leader 25 Medium Orc Fortress Quest
Stone Rhino 25 Medium Astral Shaper Ruins
Broken Shaper 25 Medium Astral Shaper Dungeon
Twisted Shaper 25 Medium Astral Shaper Dungeon
Shaper Matriarch 25 Medium Astral Shaper Dungeon
Lizard Magistratus 25 Medium Razzachai
Pirat Mate 25 Medium The Wreckoning
Nightstalker 25 Medium Yalahar Cemetery, Vandura Mountain
Mutated Tiger 25 Medium Yalahar Alchemist Quarter, Farmine Mutated Bat/Tiger Cave
Efreet/Marid 25 Medium Yalahar Djinn Area, Darashia Burster Spectre Djinns
Insectoid Worker 25 Medium Hive Surface
Swarmer 25 Medium Hive Surface
Tarnished Spirit 15 Medium Drefia
Ladybug 15 Medium Hive Surface
Centipede 15 Medium Port Hope Dworcs, Deeper Banuta, Tiquanda
Orc Rider 15 Medium Orc Fortress Quest
Polar Bear 15 Medium Nibelor
Little Corym Charlatan 15 Medium Venore marshes cave
Damaged Crystal Golem 15 Medium Golem Workshop
Mole 15 Medium Warzone 6
Quara Mantassin Scout 15 Medium Malada
Dark Magician 15 Medium Yalahar Magician Quarter
Dark Apprentice 15 Medium Yalahar Magician Quarter
Mad Scientist 15 Medium Yalahar Magician Quarter
Elephant 15 Medium Tiquanda near Asura Palace
Tiger 15 Medium Meriana, Tiquanda
Jellyfish 15 Medium Krailos Shark Cave
Crab 15 Medium Goroma
Adventurer 15 Medium Venore Swamps
Abyssal Calamary 15 Medium Seacrest Grounds
White Shade 15 Medium Drefia
Pirate Ghost 15 Medium Treasure Island, Nargor
Undead Mine Worker 15 Medium Lost Mines
Undead Prospector 15 Medium Lost Mines
Honour Guard 15 Medium Ankrahmun Desert
Bog Frog 5 Medium Shadowthorn
Agrestic Chicken 5 Medium Bounac
Horse (Gray/Brown/Taupe) 5 Medium South-east, east and north-east of Thais
Flamingo 5 Medium Meriana
Black Sheep 5 Medium Femor Hills, Liberty Bay
Sheep 5 Medium Femor Hills, Edron way to Grimvale
Parrot 5 Medium Meriana
Deepling Tyrant 50 Hard Fiehonja
Vulcongra 50 Hard Hot Spot, Lower Spike
Ghastly Dragon 50 Hard Draken Palace
Minotaur Amazon 50 Hard Oramond East Minos
Hive Overseer 50 Hard Inner Hive
Spidris Elite 25 Hard Inner Hive
Manta Ray 25 Hard Fiehonja
Priestess 25 Hard Drefia, Lich Hell
Gravedigger 25 Hard Drefia
Diabolic Imp 25 Hard POI Levers, INQ Warlock seal
Deepling Brawler 25 Hard Fiehonja
Deepling Master Librarian 25 Hard Fiehonja
Askarak Lord 25 Hard Demonwar Crypt
Askarak Prince 25 Hard Demonwar Crypt
Shaburak Lord 25 Hard Demonwar Crypt
Shaburak Prince 25 Hard Demonwar Crypt
Deepling Elite 25 Hard Fiehonja

Monsters in this section are only completable during raids/special events/quests (e.g. Midnight Panther, Cake Golem, Orger, Lightbearer Monsters, Yeti). We recommend completing these monsters whenever such an event is active. For rare bestiaries, please refer to other fansites (e.g. TibiaBosses, TibiaWiki) for more information.

Monster Points Difficulty Event
Nightfiend 50 Easy Pale Count Raid
Vicious Manbat 50 Easy Pale Count Raid
Bane of Light 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Midnight Warrior 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Midnight Spawn 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Bride of Night 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Shadow Hound 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Herald of Gloom 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Nightslayer 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Duskbringer 50 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Acolyte of Darkness 30 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Doomsday Cultist 30 Easy The Lightbearer Event
Dryad 50 Easy June Raids
Diamond Servant 50 Easy Their Master's Voice World Change
Golden Servant 50 Easy Their Master's Voice World Change
Iron Servant 30 Easy Their Master's Voice World Change
Cake Golem 30 Easy Piece of Cake
Grynch Clan Goblin 10 Easy Christmas
Undead Jester 10 Easy April Fool's
Wild Horse 10 Easy Horse Station World Change
Berrypest 5 Easy Annual Autumn Vintage
Draptor 50 Medium Muggy Plains Raid, WOTE
Undead Cavebear 50 Medium Lich Hell rare Spawn
Albino Dragon 50 Medium Various Rare Spawns
Thornfire Wolf 50 Medium Boss Spawn Shadowthorn
Crystal Wolf 50 Medium Boss Spawn Shadowthorn
Dire Penguin 30 Medium Random Boss Spawn Svargrond
Troll Guard 30 Medium Carlin Troll raid, Thais Kingsday
Percht 25 Medium Winterlight Solstice
Schiach 25 Medium Winterlight Solstice
Orger 25 Medium Orcsoberfest
Loricate Orger 25 Medium Orcsoberfest
Bellicose Orger 25 Medium Orcsoberfest
Roast Pork 25 Medium Orcsoberfest
Cow 25 Medium Orcsoberfest
Feverish Citizen 15 Medium Venore Afflicted Raid
Terrified Elephant 15 Medium Stampede Mini World Change
Elf Overseer 50 Hard Shadowthorn World Change
Midnight Panther 50 Hard Rare Boss Spawn
Yeti 50 Hard Rare Boss Spawn
Haunted Dragon 50 Hard First Dragon Quest
Ice Dragon 25 Hard First Dragon Quest
Baleful Bunny 25 Hard Percht Island
Renegade Quara Constrictor 25 Hard Seacrest Grounds World Change
Renegade Quara Predator 25 Hard Seacrest Grounds World Change
Renegade Quara Pincher 25 Hard Seacrest Grounds World Change
Renegade Quara Hydromancer 25 Hard Seacrest Grounds World Change
Renegade Quara Mantassin 25 Hard Seacrest Grounds World Change
Animated Snowman 25 Hard Percht Island
Insectoid Scout 15 Hard Unnanounced Raid Greenshore